About PixVue

A comprehensive and contextualized source for crypto news, insights and data.

Since 2015, PixVue has been a go-to destination for the fast-moving and nascent digital assets space. With a focus on Bitcoin, DeFi, NFTs and web3, our goal is to provide a holistic overview of the crypto asset market.

Our mission is to simplify the world of digital assets and tell the incredible stories of how it’s impacting society. We believe that the only path towards achieving and maintaining the trust of our readers is to conduct our media and information business in a fully transparent manner.

Who We Are

We are a group of journalists and researchers dedicated to providing a intelligently curated and simplified overview of the crypto asset and web3 industry. Our team is spread across four continents and five timezones.

PixVue is an independent organization registered in the U.S. and not owned or operated by any company in the blockchain space. To get in touch with us, visit our contact page.

PixVue’s Values

PixVue adheres to a strict editorial policy that is guided by trust, transparency, objectivity, and quality sourcing.

We vet all of our advertisers to make sure they are legitimate. PixVue does not conduct business with companies that use deceptive marketing or refuse to publicly identify team members.